Kids Quest

Strengthening families with affordable, supportive programs.

Kids Quest programs provide before and after school care, as well as summer camp, in several Topeka Public Schools grade school locations. For more information about our programs please call (785)233-1750.

Enrollment ↘

  • Locations:

    • Jardine Elementary

    • McCarter Elementary

    • McEachron Elementary

    • Meadows Elementary

    • Whitson Elementary.

  • Hours


    Mon-Thur: 7:00 am – 8:10 am

    Fri: 7:00 am – 9:10 am


    Mon – Fri: 3:40 pm – 5:30 pm, snack and milk provided

    *View below for scheduling details

  • Rates

    Both AM and PM: $75 / week per child

    AM only: $40 / week per child

    PM only: $40 / week per child

    *Billed Weekly

  • Enrollment Fee

    $20 per child

    $30 per family (2 or more children)

    How to make a payment with DCF funds

Fun, Creative, Supportive

YWCA Northeast Kansas is on a mission to provide high-quality programming for school-aged children.

“I really enjoy the after-school program because it’s a space where I can be myself. I can relax and be creative.”

Program Information

What can my child and I expect during the school year?

Homework Assistance

Each day students in Kids Quest have designated time for academic work. Students receive guidance for homework assignments while those without school work are involved in enrichment activities.

Child & Adult Care Food Program and After School Snacks

Kids Quest also offers a snack each day to students in the after school program. We strive to provide students with a healthy option including fresh fruits and vegetables. All snacks adhere to the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) guidelines.

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM)

Each Kids Quest before and after school program is dedicated to incorporating STEM+ into their weekly activities.

Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE)

Each Kids Quest before and after school program is licensed by the Kansas Department of Health and Environment. All programs have annual licensing compliance reviews to ensure the children are safe and properly cared for in a healthy environment. Information on the Kansas Department of Health and Environment licensing for School Age Programs.

Schedule Details: Kids Quest follows the USD 501 Topeka Public Schools Schedule

For closings and schedule changes, please consult the USD 501 school calendar and inclement weather announcements. When USD 501 schools are closed, Kids Quest before and after care are closed. For delayed starts, before care is closed only. For early release days, after care is closed only.

Looking for Kids Quest Summer Camp? Click here.