Women of Excellence

Awards and Gala Benefitting YWCA Northeast Kansas

Saturday Evening, September 14

The Beacon
Downtown Topeka
5:00 p.m. Happy Hour
7:00 p.m. Dinner and Awards Program

At YWCA Northeast Kansas, we believe in a world where all women are empowered to thrive, and their brilliance knows no bounds.

That’s why we celebrate local women leaders at the annual YWCA Women of Excellence Awards and Gala.

Every year, we enjoy an evening of inspirational story-telling to highlight the achievements and contributions of our Women of Excellence Honorees. Join us as we pay tribute to the women leaders who rise above challenges, inspire greatness, and work to build a stronger, brighter for us all. Join us on September 14, 2024, to be a part of the 36th Annual Women of Excellence Awards and Gala.

We’d love to partner with your business or organization to celebrate our Honorees and plan an incredible event! View the full packet for sponsorship levels, benefits, and more.

Are you a past honoree and you are not on our list? We would love to recognize you! Send us an email with your information.

Thank you to everyone who made our 2023 event a success!